YMCA Spain is subjected annually to internal and external audits wich certificate the correct application of public funds that we obtain.
Working for the development of minors and families in difficult situations, leads us to manage with the highest efficiency our financial resources, we search to diversify our funding sources without compromising the viability of our programs. Due to a comprehensive intervention model implemented through these years, we are capable of providing support in the development of children and young people for a real transformation in their lives.
The principles of transparency and efficiency guide our operations. Our transparency is certified by external account audits and by the Fundación Lealtad, an independent entity that is dedicated to auditing NGOs to certify their proper operation. Efficiency is also a constant worry as we put to use the funds we receive and doing everything possible to get the most out of them. Please consult our report (only spanish version): YMCA Transparency and Good Practice.
Working with a combination of funding from public and private funders as well as contributions from our members, collaborators and thousands of families requires that we manage our funds with complete transparency. YMCA Spain follows the requirements for accreditation in transparency, best practices and management set forth by the Fundación Lealtad.
Auditing of our accounts and the Economical memory 2019
We always seek to diversify our funding sources in order to not compromise the viability of our projects, and we invest in people to transform society through them.